Anxious, Stressed, Depressed – You are not alone!

Can you relate to any of these?

Have you ever caught yourself attempting to rationalise and talk your way out of your emotions? From anger to sadness, longing to regret, have you realised that it simply doesn't work?

Do you find yourself overthinking everything, trapped in constant internal chatter? Are you consumed by thoughts about what others think of you, constantly worrying and feeling as if everyone is judging or talking about you?

Are you frequently preoccupied with worries about what "might happen"?

Has your heart ever raced so intensely that you feared it might burst? Do you experience fear of going out in public or certain places due to the possibility of a panic attack?

Do you yearn for peace in your life?

Is joy missing from your life because you've become accustomed to feeling numb, either not feeling anything or experiencing emotions too intensely?

Maybe you recognise that you're caught in a cycle of repetitive behaviours that cause suffering, yet you struggle to break free?

Do you find yourself always preparing for the worst-case scenario? Are you unable to let go of tense feelings, even when you try to sleep at night?

Perhaps you're losing sleep, constantly waking up in the middle of the night, consumed by thoughts and worries about anything and everything?

Do you feel persistently sad, lacking motivation to do anything or engage with others?

Are you grappling with body image and low self-esteem issues? Are you finding it difficult to express and instead bottle up emotions such as anger, grief, sadness, frustration, sorrow, guilt, hurt, resentment, or embarrassment?

Maybe you're facing challenges in a relationship or find yourself at a crossroads in life, experiencing a personal crisis or a significant life transition. Perhaps you have a sense that something is missing.

Are you feeling lonely, lost, confused, stuck, dissatisfied, or unfulfilled with your life? Are you struggling to find direction, focus, and break free from familiar patterns of behavior?

Perhaps you're curious about anxiety attack symptoms, the symptoms of depression, or how childhood trauma can affect you?

If any of these experiences or yearnings resonate with you, remember that you are not alone! The more you resist and avoid your feelings, the more you are denying your true self. True happiness can never be attained this way. The great news is that Therapy and Counseling can support you through any and all of these states.

True happiness lies in embracing even the parts of yourself you may despise—the parts you'd rather hide away and forget about. Join me in the exploration of these aspects of yourself. It's time to stop running away and distracting yourself. Let's take a closer look and dive deep into self-discovery.

You don't have to face this journey alone. Reach out today and let's work together to uncover a path of healing and growth.

A common struggle

Have you had any of these thoughts recently?

“I've been feeling so stressed and anxious lately. It's like I'm constantly searching for my purpose but coming up empty-handed. I feel lost and like no one really understands me. Will I ever find true happiness and fulfilment?”

Sometimes, it feels like analysing a problem is a way to solve it. “I spend so much time and energy turning it over in my mind, discussing it with friends, and trying to come up with solutions. It seems like I'm making progress, but deep down, I still feel uncomfortable, restless, and upset.”

But here's the thing: constantly thinking about it, overthinking, is actually a clever distraction from doing the real work—the only thing that can make the problem truly resolve. And that's facing and embracing the feelings I've been resisting.

Seeing a counsellor can help with these distracting thoughts and the constant narrative in your head. They can teach you how to stop resisting your true emotions. Seeking counselling doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong, or that you need fixing. On the contrary, it's a bold step towards self-improvement, an opportunity for positive change that requires courage, honesty, and a willingness to explore yourself.

The therapeutic process, working with a therapist or counsellor, is an open-ended journey—a shared exploration where trust is built to uncover things together. The truth is, mental health is something nearly all of us grapple with at some point, and hardly anyone is immune to depression, anxiety, confusion, or uncertainty, whether it's due to our biology or life circumstances. Through my experience working with people, I've come to realise just how many of us face these struggles.

Triggers can occur at any age. It could be teenagers worrying about their future, young professionals feeling overwhelmed by work and financial pressures, parents adjusting to new lifestyles after childbirth or separation, or older individuals dealing with isolation and poor health. Depression, anxiety, confusion, and discomfort can even affect young children.

Perhaps it's anxiety creeping in when you start a new job, surrounded by smart colleagues, and fearing that you won't meet the same targets as in your previous role. Or maybe it's the weight of depression settling in after a relationship ends. It could even be an eating disorder emerging now or any of the numerous personality disorders that seem to surface at the most inconvenient times.

Maybe it's a combination of these challenges, or maybe you can't quite put your finger on it, but you know deep down that something doesn't feel right. Whatever you’re experiencing, no one should feel compelled to keep these concerns locked away or suffer in silence.

Depression, anxiety, feelings of low self-worth—they can manifest in adults in various ways. Depression can drain your energy and make you withdraw from the world. Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, loss of interest in once-enjoyed activities, a sense of failure, inadequacy, self-destructive thoughts, changes in eating habits and sleep patterns—all of these can be symptoms.

Anxiety often revolves around the persistent thoughts that plague us. We get caught in a cycle of "what if" scenarios, fearing the worst and desperately trying to avoid feeling this way. Yet, getting trapped in our thoughts is not an effective way to navigate life's challenges and fears, even though it's something most of us tend to do.

No matter what you’re going through—whether it's depression, anxiety, grief, relationship struggles, trauma, an eating disorder, or simply a nagging feeling that something is missing—Therapy and Counselling can provide valuable support. It's an opportunity to find healing, growth, and a path towards a more fulfilling life.

We’re in this together

We all face mental health challenges at some point, and acknowledging that you need help is not a sign of weakness. It takes strength and self-care to recognise when you need support and reach out to others.

If you're feeling like you could use some assistance, don't hesitate to seek it. Whether it's through counselling, talking to loved ones, or sharing with friends, opening up can make a significant difference. You'll likely find that once you take that step, others will also open up, and you'll realize you're far from alone in dealing with whatever you're going through.

Remember, your mental health issues don't define you, but being open about them is a crucial part of taking charge of your well-being and finding the best path to face life's challenges.

Regardless of your age, if you suspect you're experiencing depression, anxiety, or any mental health condition, or if you simply crave a neutral person to talk to, it's important to take action. Reach out and let's embark on your healing journey together.

How Can Counselling Help?

Sometimes, it may feel like analysing a problem is the same as solving it.

You invest a great deal of time and energy into thinking about it, discussing it with friends, or even documenting pros and cons in a journal. All this busyness can create the illusion of progress, like rearranging furniture in a room. But in reality, the problem remains stuck within your psyche and your body, never truly moving forward.

Diving deep into the contents of your thoughts serves as a clever distraction, keeping you from recognizing the underlying pattern—the key to resolving the issue. It's about stopping the constant evasion of the feelings you're resisting.

You see, when your mind is engaged in constant thinking, analysis, and interpretation, it provides temporary relief from the pain that's bothering you. It's similar to the fleeting comfort or "hit" you get from scrolling through social media, indulging in impulsive purchases, or seeking solace in food or drink. These are all ways to distract, suppress, or sedate the true emotions you're experiencing. But these temporary remedies only mask the problem, without addressing the core issue. That's where counselling, combined with breathwork, can truly make a difference.

It's like wearing a large filter that selectively blocks certain aspects of your current experience, while amplifying or distorting others. It may sound strange, but this is how we perceive reality every day of our lives.

The negative core beliefs or emotional wounds you hold about yourself, such as "I'm unworthy," "I don't deserve happiness," or "the world is unsafe," create distortions in your reality. The more unconscious and intense these triggers are, the more they affect your perception. However, with increased self-awareness, you can begin to discern the truth of a situation more effectively.

Your triggers act as filters, shaping how you experience and interpret the world in your daily life. You might wonder, "But aren't we all aware of these core beliefs?" Not necessarily. Emotional wounds and negative beliefs often reside partly or entirely in the unconscious, distorting your perception without your conscious awareness.

Becoming aware of your triggers and emotional wounds grants you greater control over your reactivity. It allows your emotional responses to become more appropriate and moderated, especially when unhelpful or unproductive. By deepening your awareness and practicing mindfulness, you take responsibility for recognising triggering situations and can consciously choose to change your automatic reactions. This leads you to wiser thoughts and more balanced responses.

Work With Me

As a Breathwork, Innerwork Facilitator, and Counsellor/Therapist based in Auckland, I offer my services to clients locally and internationally, both in person and via zoom.

My approach is centred around empowering clients to explore the triggers and reaction cycles of their nervous system. When we find ourselves trapped in a repetitive loop of our body's protective responses, designed to keep us safe, it can lead to a chronic state of "fight, flight, or freeze." This state often triggers a cascade of stress reactions in our body, emotions, and thoughts.

In my practice, I emphasise the significance of integrating unintegrated emotions, going beyond a singular focus on the mind through analysis and reasoning. Instead, I take a holistic approach that incorporates the body and sensations into the therapeutic process. By addressing the interconnectedness of our physical and emotional experiences, we can create a more comprehensive and transformative healing journey. Additionally, I employ creative techniques and introduce attentive strategies to support the regulation of the nervous system.

Together, we can dive into the depths of your body, mind, and emotions, providing you with the tools and guidance to navigate and heal from the challenges you're facing. Whether you seek support with stress management, emotional well-being, trauma healing, or personal growth, I am here to accompany you on this transformative journey. Let's embark on a collaborative exploration of your inner landscape and nurture your overall well-being.

Consider this…

It can be helpful for clients to reflect on the frequency with which they become stuck or identified in their personal narratives. Many people find themselves repeatedly recounting their stories over and again without finding true long term relief. In my practice, I encourage clients to take a step back from their stories and observe how they hold onto them within their bodies.

By adopting this perspective, we can begin to notice other important aspects. Exploring the patterns that have emerged repeatedly over time allows us to unravel them. Are there recurring cycles in your life that you find yourself struggling with? Does the same story unfold repeatedly? How can we break free from this cycle? What steps can we take to bring resolution and healing? What often goes unnoticed amidst our focus on the story we’ve identified with, and how can we shift our attention to it?

When you choose to work with me, I will provide unwavering support as you dive deep into the intricate layers of your life, enabling you to gain profound insights and embark on transformative changes. Together, we will uncover the strengths that may have been overshadowed by the constant focus on your identified story. It's time to discover what you may have missed and create a path towards joy and fulfilment.

Take the next step and let me accompany you on this journey of self-discovery and growth.